Very well written 👏👏 I just wish that everyone would turn off all cable “news” sources. The less biased, independent news must be read, not watched, and unfortunately too much of the lower class doesn’t read news, nor understand the importance of being politically informed. They watch the slander adds and pick a candidate that seems more on par with their own views. The problem with this is not one commercial for either candidate is touting policies which the candidate wants to implement. Biden needs to do better advertising, and trump, well trump is a convicted felon who lies every time his mouth moves. People who dont know that, think he’s an “honest” and sound choice.

How the hell do we teach these people? And how do we let them know that trump is a racist piece of shit that could care less about people of color?

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Unfortunately many Black people are politically illiterate and brainwashed by religion.

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worth remembering Herman Cain, too


and the Central Park Five, who Donald suggested deserved execution (despite innocence)

It's unfortunate the D's haven't chosen someone less ambiguous, but Carter is too old and JFK isn't returning to Dealey Plaza (not even if the Qanonsense cultists hope for that)

Dick Gregory was asked about blacks voting for Reagan and said in any group there are a few percent who are just nuts.


RFK Junior and the Unspeakable

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Brainwashed by democraps welfare handout.

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Oooooh democraps you think you’re so clever! Must be nice to be filthy rich so you can piss on the poor. Let’s play a game, republicunt, who installed welfare in this country, and how much do people “make” while on welfare??

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Silly boy. Tricks are for kids.

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