This nation has never had a foreign enemy that’s done anything like a good a job at tearing the nation down as our own conservatives. They’ve promoted, among other things and in no particular order: climate change; an exploitative, extractive economy; divisions along racial, gender, religious and other lines; anti-democratic election rigging; and blocking a nationwide response to a pandemic.

Every foreign enemy we ever had must be jealous.

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Nothing about the FBI blocking the Hunter Biden laptop or the media ignoring the scandal. Nothing on Arturo D' Elias and his affidavit of switching votes from Trump to Biden via encryption codes supplied by CIA. No suspicion of Project Mockingbird on steroids and the CIA takeover of the media. You can do better Russ.

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Someone descrbed Graham's proposal as trying to 'give other repubicans something to point to' on the subject of abortion while campaigning. I think that sounds reasonable and that it can be viewed as an expression of Graham's desire for a leadership post

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"Blackmail," he said snidely, "is such an ugly word."

So is treason.

To my knowledge, not one MSM poseur has reported out the likelihood of either explanation for the perfidy of Trump and Graham.

But you can bet the farm -- even if it's Hammersmith -- that state intel agencies have looked deeply into those possibilities.

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Nice essay.

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