Phew__ You know what? Until there is full transparency and accountability for vaccine injured persons for the past 60 years, there is no reason to undermine nor discredit RFK, when so many patients are subject to fraud, and misrepresentation when it comes to various classified Nuremberg Code violations. Since the Lockdown, we have learned the shot can induce seizure disorder. Why where the people not informed of this in the 60's and 70's, when there was a surge of neurological disorders in pediatric hospitals? More disturbing, is the adverse effects of seizure disorder which involves classified non-therapeutic chemical and surgical human experimentation, by means of deception and fraud. When the poison leads to covert lobotomy, brain implant and transplant trespass and intrusion, there is no reason to impede upon RFK's effort to address the corruption and crimes against humanity. Remember, there remains no transparency nor accountability for the assassination of his Uncle JFK. and it is now long over due, to agree, that the very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society. Let there be light.

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I have also read the same criticisms you highlight in your post regarding Kennedy's exaggerations about the dangers of the COVID vaccine. I too have questions about Kennedy's interpretations of the research. I think of myself as someone who doesn't vote for or against a candidate based on a single issue. Kennedy's anti-vaccine stance is a major obstacle in Kennedy having any chance for the nomination, and the attack on Kennedy on this issue is not surprising. But frankly your not reporting anything new. So why do it? If you don't like Kennedy challenging the democratic presidential incumbent its OK to say so. If you think a primary challenger would hurt Biden in the general election (which by the way is also and old democratic trope that discourages fresh faces and ideas from ever being discussed) just say so,, but be sure to explain why.

Kennedy it sounds is willing to shake up the electoral process that brought us Trump and and a whole array of ineffectual presidents for the last three decades. He's not really an outsider(he is a Kennedy after all), but he is willing to say out loud what Biden and Co. are not willing to say; that corporate America has too much influence in government policy, the petroleum industry is a bad actor and is a major reason our environmental policies are woefully inadequate, and maybe most importantly he is willing to debate that continuing to fight a proxy war with Russia without a parallel diplomatic plan is an insanely aggressive foreign policy. These are not trivial issues. If you want to keep beating that anti-vaccine drum, go ahead, but we may be missing a rare opportunity where the people of this country can actually hear a Democratic administration publicly defend themselves for advancing policies that keeps the poor and working class downtrodden, and the world on the brink of nuclear war.

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You wrote a decent book once. Now you're clueless.

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I partly agree with you about issues with Kennedy's presentations, however I was struck by some astonishing claims by yourself. You write: "The public was crying out for a vaccine. But not everyone seems to remember why a COVID-19 vaccine became necessary." Instead, I remember very clearly why a Covid-19 vaccine didn't become a necessity for the great majority of people.

I saw how vaccines were preached to the public like the coming of the Messiah; salvation of the World was only going to happen by means of "The Vaccine". That extreme Pro-Vax crusade didn't originate with the public. Never in my life did I experience such Soviet-like, even Nineteen-eighty-four-like scary propaganda. Further, Covid-19 vaccines only became necessary (for elderly) when other treatments were withheld, forbidden, blacklisted and falsely downgraded in scientific publications, as I witnessed when the events were unfolding. I also witnessed how people were falsely and criminally instructed to wait with seeking treatment until they were dangerously sick already, and how doctors were effectively forbidden to prescribe medicines. Human rights were thrown out of the window.

Of course, the backdrop of those events make the new WHO proposals extremely worrying; we need as much help as we can get against that or there may be more of the same and even worse to come.

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Perhaps Kennedy can be discredited for some of his statements and/or claims - I haven't really followed him that closely. What I do know is he is the only major political figure pulling the curtain back a bit and saying what is not supposed to be said: He comments critically on the empire, war, the CIA, and of course, vaccines. I get it Russ, for you, the vaccine thing is a deal breaker. Not me.

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Stop abbreviating the title of the Substack...

It should be “GOING off the DEEP end” with Russ.

Can’t wait for the next one....“Mother Theresa Part of Deep State.”

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ICYMI regarding Denis Rancourt & RFK Jr. re: C19/"vaxx", mortality stats, Died Suddenly/myorcarditis, etc.

Re-post - Jun 6 2023 - Dr. Michael Yeadon: My Plea to Dr. Robert Malone - Please don’t shoot the messenger - Lioness of Judah Ministry - Exposing The Darkness


[excerpt] "Dear Robert, I’m impressed by your work rate and your insightful passion. I’m troubled by one really important thing, though! You’re surely aware of the epidemiological analyses by Denis Rancourt and colleagues?"

"This shows by analysis of state by state all-cause mortality (age, sex, date only, ignoring claims of a cause of death, since this is subject to manipulation) that there was no excess death anywhere until after WHO called a pandemic."

"They did so based on “confirmed cases”, which you and I know is essentially fraud since PCR cannot be used as a clinical diagnostic. What Rancourt’s findings rule out is a pandemic. His analyses show this in several ways (one of which I’ve just mentioned). Another is the age profile of the dead: completely inconsistent with a respiratory viral illness. Third is that all-cause mortality varies according to jurisdiction and that points firmly to policy and not a spreading pathogen as a cause of death."

"The bottom lines are twofold.

1. There is no evidence of any kind of pandemic

2. Therefore there wasn’t a novel respiratory virus, either."

"It was all lies. There’s copious evidence of planning for a “pandemic” going back over 25 years. All had authoritarian regimes and mass vaccination as objectives."

"Now, Event 201 (autumn 2019) crowned these tabletop simulations, the fictional occurrence was “a novel coronavirus emerges in China & spreads around the world”. We’re expected to believe this astonishing concurrence with claimed reality just 3-4 months later is luck. I find it not credible."

"The pandemic is a lie, like the other nine or so lies that were promulgated by main media. The evidence that matters shows there wasn’t a pandemic. The authorities knew there wasn’t a pandemic. In light of this, all the oppressive “measures” should rightly be seen as planned terrorism. Not “mistakes”. No mistakes were made."

continues at the link...


Peter’s Newsletter - May 17 2023

> Denis Rancourt – there was no C19 respiratory disease, hospital protocols killed people, withholding anti-biotics from the poor killed people – 13 million dead globally, 330,000 in the US


H/t Dan Fournier his article covering the full 12 hours of proceedings of the National Citizens Enquiry on May 11, Day 1, Quebec here: (100) Massive Covid-19 Data Manipulation Revealed: Highlights from the National Citizens Inquiry in Quebec City (substack.com) - Peter Halligan ∙ 3 min read\

Christine Massey's "germ" FOI Newsletter - Mar 1 2023

> Re: "germ" FOIs - Children's Health Defense, CDC, Katherine Watt, NHS Grampian - no records!

March 1, 2023 - Christine Massey FOIs∙ - 5 min read


The Vigilant Fox Mar 20 2023

> Edward Dowd Presents Irrefutable Evidence "Vaccine" Mandates Killed & Disabled Countless Americans - “Unless we have a new virus that knows you’re working, there’s no explanation for it.”

Watch now (3 min) | The Vigilant Fox ∙ 3 min watch


February 2023:

> Denis Rancourt explained to RFK Jr. that his analysis of all-cause mortality shows no indication whatsoever of any "viral pandemic"


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The anti-vaxers in the comment section are flapping around like bats!

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died suddenly

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One thing I noticed was that Baker talked about myocarditis but neglected to address the rising increase in excess deaths throughout the world, the percentages in each corresponding to the level of vaccine acceptance in those countries. The deaths are not related to COVID and the increase began in 2021 after the introduction of mRNA vaccines and continue to this day. Listen to Dr. John Campbell.


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You are SO WRONG about RFK,Jr., and so disrespectful. I hope you are man enough to admit it when you finally realize just how wrong you are!

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His father and the rest of the Kennedy family are spinning in their graves over this nutjob!

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sure, just ignore the DOCUMENTATION.

Maybe bill gates and newly rich fauXi will even send you money (yeah, if you're an idiot, you'd believe that same as you likely believed you'd get the millions from that Nigerian "prince"

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wow, it's not often that I run across somebody as STUPID as you. So, are you and all your associate with "fully vaxed"? I hope so. We need the gene pool reduced by you and your kind

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Dr. Tom Cowan: RFK, Jr. = trustworthy.

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