
Trollwatch Update: As you may know, I am very, very interested in how people seeking to advance a particular philosophy or mindset or interest "gang up" on a person, or website, and seek to flood it. This is of course anathema to the honest pursuit of the truth with an open mind. This week, this site has seen a flood of signups and hostile comments all coming from a single website dedicated to a particular strand of so-called libertarianism that is extremely hostile to government of all forms in the US and that has shown itself happy to amplify talking points put out by pro-Putin elements in the US and worldwide. I'll keep you all posted as this unfolds. We'll also keep removing and blocking these people as their clear intent is to impede serious discussion and inquiry.

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Note to readers: My substack articles sometimes get linked or reposted on websites of individuals and groups with whom I have very little in common. Readers of those sites then come here and try to politick for their rigid (and often loathesome) viewpoints, and typically repeat somewhat viral but oversimplified or fallacious talking points. I sometimes do verbal battle with them but I really don't have the time for it. To blunt this spammy effect and overall degradation of the "serious thought" environment here, regrettably, I may have to shut down individual commenters or even turn off the commenting option altogether. Apologies for this.

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When all else fails it's usually a decent long shot that Mossad is involved.

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ANOTHER LIE -- Nordstream demolished by US Navy Poseidon P8 aircraft deploying HAAWC Torpedo. This was an act of war by Biden with no confirmed participation by any other country - https://groups.google.com/g/town-square-news/c/DEk01l4xMRc/m/7E78dfjlBAAJ

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Didn't the UK help to do it?They have the expertise and supposedlly were involved in the blowing up of the Russian bridge into Crimea.

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sorry,i skimmed the article but nobody is saying the British may have been involved.

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