John Foster Dulles, brother of Allen Dulles, spent time as a Bush family lawyer.

LBJ lobbied and argued extensively with JFK to seat Sen. Yarborough in the John Connally seat in the Presidential limo for the trip through Dallas. He did this lobbying the night before in Ft. Worth and also on the tarmac at Love Field 11/22/63. If Yarborough had been shot dead in the seat Gov. Connally actually occupied, that would have helped the Republican candidate for U.S. Senator in Texas in the pending 1964 election. That candidate was George H. W. Bush.

A few weeks after Ronald Reagan was inaugurated, he was shot in the chest. Had he been assassinated his successor would have been George H. W. Bush.

The day before the 9/11 attacks, the Twin Towers guards were told to stand down and bomb-sniffing dogs were not allowed to be present in the building. Later odd pieces of snipped wires were found around the building. The order to stand down and exclude bomb-sniffing dogs was carried out by a security company run by Marvin Bush, son of George H. W. Bush and brother of "W."

During World War I the Bush Dynasty sold armaments to both sides. To avoid a Senate investigation in the early 1920's they promised to put their company papers on public access filing at the National Archives. True to their noble and majestic word, this they promptly did. And after a few days the entire collection disappeared from the National Archives.

Ditto for JFK's brain. The National Archives is where JFK's brain was deposited. Expert autopsy authority Cyril Wecht went there to examine it, only to find nobody knew where it was. The paperwork for the chain of custody to account for where it went led in circles. Wecht went back (as an investigator experienced in dealing with hundreds of previous murders) several times to get nothing but more runarounds and finger-pointing. After about his forth effort he started getting phone call death threats against himself and his family. So to feel safe he hid them away in a gated building with armed guards.

Leading up to World War II, Prescott Bush and his friends actively funded and promoted the early career rise of Adolf Hitler out of Union Banking/Brown Brothers Harriman, in conjunction with the German arms magnate Thyssen. His funding efforts were so blatant they were nixed by none other than J. Edgar Hoover. The Bush Dynasty ideal for WWI and WWII was that if Germany and Russia could be manipulated to hate and attack one another, it would keep them weak tearing one another down plus it would give Bush & Co. extensive and lucrative arms sales possibilities.

As soon as the U.S. recklessly bugged out of a dreary lumbering dragging lowering profits war in Afghanistan, Ukraine heated up almost immediately. Lots of money to be made on that one. And, conveniently, as long as Ukraine is played like a fiddle to the last drop of Ukrainian blood, Ukraine is the latest McGuffin to be posited so Germany and Russia can be manipulated to antagonize one another for yet another go-around. So far this latest permutation of the same old gambit is working, as with any two boxers or wrestlers put in the same ring-- to draw money out of the pockets of the gullible spectators. Or like any other greased up dogfight or cockfight. As long as the spectators don't understand that money for the big boys at the expense of the little suckers standing ringside is what it is really all about.

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Russ: you've made some excellent points about Bob Woodward, and forever changed my view of Watergate. I always appreciate reading journalism that challenges the conventional view. I support the 'marketplace of ideas.' My thoughts: Over the past 2 years, trust in the mainstream media has plummeted to an all time low, and WILL continue on that trajectory. Why am I so sure of this? They're telling us things we know are lies: 'the economy is strong based on the S&P' (never mind the debt, inflation, consumer sentiment); 'the labor market is strong, because of low unemployment' (they don't report on the alarming drop in labor force participation). So many of our current problems are self inflicted, yet the media shifts the blame. This doesn't feel like America anymore. Suddenly, the government / large corporations / news orgs / Big Tech are all carefully coordinating their messages, in lock-step. It's Orwellian, yet surprisingly ham-handed. Even my children (teenagers) can tell the news is fake. I recently canceled my subscriptions to WaPo and NYT. No more NPR either. Almost every news outlet has become a pawn of corporate media, and thereby made themselves irrelevant. I've since found new sources I trust, and I will never go back.

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Thanks for the update Russ! Just snapped up a copy at Amazon.

600 pages? No problem!

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Good for you! Wear being ignored in mainstream media as a badge of honor.

It's also a wry 'hat tip' from the co-opted that they can't beat you.

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Thank you for sharing this, painful though it is to recall. It's valuable for others and rings true, both in the specifics you recount and more generally regarding what others have experienced in similar circumstances.

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Rutten's review says more about him than about the book or the author.

P.95 of Family of Secrets suggests that 'The figure of Oswald, the lone gunman, was a highly questionable fit with the evidence, but neatly fulfilled the psychological needs of the country.'

Rutten essentially states that a pre-requisite for being a 'serious American' is a belief that JFK was killed by a lone nut. This may instead reveal his own psychological need for unquestioning concensus, and his assertion that dissenters are 'not entitled to a seat at the table where serious discussions occur' is nonsensical. If there can be no questioning of a particular point of view, and no new evidence and perspectives allowed, what is there to discuss ?

It is not necessary to present a fully-developed theory to show the existence (or probable existence) of conspiracy. Perhaps this is the real fear behind the denial of everything other than the neatest narrative - a single lie or inconsistency can fatally undermine it.

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Suppression of information about embarrassing foreign developments is as forceful as the domestic campaign.

Amazon assigned my book on China to an internal reviewer, then released his (very long) review simultaneously with the book, so that it remains the first opinion readers see.

The review faithfully recounts the book's explanations of China's astonishing progress, and concludes wistfully, "If only there was some way to verify the author's amazing claims”.

It would be difficult to miss the fact that the book has 479 footnotes, most of them Western sources like the NYT.

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I read your excellent book Family of Secrets years ago when you first published it. I pay no attention to book reviews, but I also know I am an exception to the rule and many do read reviews before deciding to read a book.

Imagine if you tried to publish it today, Russ. Dubya has been rehabilitated by the Dems and is now a darling (he and Michelle are besties) versus the war criminal he is. Considering that, if you tried to publish it today, you'd be hard-pressed to find a publisher let alone anything resembling a positive or even neutral review.

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I bought Family of Secrets shortly after it was published and it has had a place of honor in my home library ever since. The current Ukraine crisis sent me back to FofS to review the links between the Nazis and the oligarchic elites here in the Land of Liberty. Between Russ Baker’s work and that of David Talbot, we can begin to piece together a continuing link between the post-WWII rescue of Nazi leaders and the Empire of Chaos and Lies and the war crimes being perpetrated by the Kiev regime.

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The obligatory and somewhat gratuitous gatekeeping review by DiEugenio was what bothered me after being transformed by Russ opening the window into real history. Family of Secrets is about the Bushes, not about the Kennedy assassination - other than both focuses are essential to understanding the subtitle of the book, "the Bush dynasty, America's invisible government, and the hidden history of the last 50 years". I'm sorry that Jim didn't like Russ' style. Perhaps intentionally taking a different track than the mainstream and by omitting the "paranoid style" label, DiEugenio settles for name calling Russ "Inspector Javert" and smearing him by comparison to another ridiculed author. At least Russ uses complete sentences, more than Jim can say for his own writing. In addition, Jim's criticisms are not free of misguided interpretations of Russ' analysis. I'll note here, that for all the gatekeeping in the word, DiEugenio has never definitively named JFK's actual assassin. Stay strong, Russ, and keep on challenging the media.

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I just posted the part about Democracy Now! on the You Tube comments section for the August 28 news summary, noting that with GW Bush now offering an online class on leadership -- I know, what a joke -- there is a news peg they can use to revisit how the book was ignored..

I'm not willing to bet that DN will address the issue.

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