and to top it off there are allegations by a former Russian spy about Trump being recruited as an asset code named "krasnov" back in the 80s. doesn't that make him a traitor?

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We should start referring to him as Mr. Krasnov to make the point so everyone gets curious about what that is & hopefully discovers why he is called that ! It seems to me that far too many people don't read enough news to know the facts, or of course if they are Fox viewers they are only getting a very limited & one-sided view of all things Conservative & trump anyway !

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the reason is out there and it's recent - allegations by a former Russian intelligence guy. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/magazines/panache/donald-trumps-russian-spy-connection-social-media-explodes-with-evidence-about-krasnov-is-it-just-another-wild-conspiracy-theory/articleshow/118504492.cms?from=mdr


these allegations must be investigated and confirmed, though some things WERE and just lied about on reich wing media until the cult ignored the evidence of their own eyes...

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Byline Times published the linked article and was then hit with a major DDOS attack.


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"To succeed, we need to know whether the active and retired military leadership understand their responsibility to protect Americans and democracy and to prevent a criminal enterprise from destroying the country.

"And we need to keep a weather eye on Trump’s steps to purge the Pentagon of potentially “disloyal” (to him) leaders, a process that has already begun."

Let's boldly state what I submit is the only remaining option for American patriots willing to put their lives on the line to save their country from onrushing oblivion:

A righteous "Seven Days in May" scenario in which the "military leadership" to which you allude above A) lead a coup and, proof of high crimes -- most significantly treason -- in hand arrest Trump, Vance, Musk, and other guilty members of their junta and lock them up in Guantanamo cells; B) install an interim executive branch civilian hierarchy comprised of current and former elected officials from both major parties: C) form and staff Nuremberg II with unbiased judges on an all-important bench; D) set a date certain for trials; E) temporarily impose martial law.

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