Convincingly and factually presented, but facts and evidence are insufficient to sway the zealots that are committed to berserking, and adore the “strong man”. It seems so obvious that it can’t be understood by rational people, how this weak and abject failure of a man, could inspire such mindless devotion.

Do you suppose our society has lost touch with reality, and live with fantasy and gamer mentality? This is beyond ridiculous, it is inconceivable…beyond belief.

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my bizarre conspiracy theory is that the NYT's turn to the right over the last few years has been done specifically to set up a sale to someone like Leonard Leo. In order to "save" it, no doubt. I'm convinced that a liberal was mean to Sulzberger once when he was at Brown and he's never gotten over it.

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You're correct to note that the diseases in human form to whom you make reference have all they could possibly desire from this life.

But I suspect that it is not this life that is their shared concern.

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The interactive from The WaPo is devastating.

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Love your summer not-school comment...

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The right-wing take-over of independent media - small-town newspapers - first, restrictions on medium and larger independent media that do not toe the line, next and then buy-out by the rich who are favoured by the government - the previous right-wing government in Poland (the most American of European states) did the same or attempted to. Indeed, it's a standard play by both more extreme political parties whether coloured right or left.. Historically, it was seen in the USA... the actions of Hearst, for example... What is in error is the laissez-faire approach to information services - they are treated as any other business... in fact, restrictions on percentage of ownership should be put in place so as to prevent capture by those with an agenda.

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