These bogus news outfits are shredding our country and our communities. Seems to me a way to get a handle on it would be to require these publishers, online and in print, not to call themselves news. News is factual. What they are doing is make belief or opinion It's not news, it's all just bullshit.

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that would be a great start. then yank all the outlets that refuse to be truthful, like Fox, OANN, Newsmax...

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You can tell them that for 30 straight years & they still don't get it. MSNBC....needs to address this problem & stop wringing their hands instead. We cannot allow this to continue. The ONE thing that is causing all of this idiocy, hate, & disinformation + violence....is propaganda & lies from the GOP. The republican party has their own news channel arm. The Dems do not have that. The GOP has the most vile, entitled, immoral billionaires among its ranks that are willing to do anything to win....including murder. Again, Dems do not have that. Failing to tell the truth about Reagan & Bush Sr & Jr. is doing us all a disservice as well because they are the ones that started this christofascist movement & extreme authority in the party. The CIA and Secret Service need to be investigated & corrupted ones removed. Then the CIA needs to disclose it's deeds & disband because of the crimes & murder done in our name. The other intel agencies need to be cleaned up as well. Intel people should not be able to run for any office in government. Period. It's ludicrous to keep recycling the same people & giving the same groups so much access to gov. secrets & an extreme conflict of interest.

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Yes, of course, but why is everyone so reluctant to make propaganda and lies illegal during broadcast news? We need the Fairness Doctrine back. We need an FCC that is strong, unafraid, & there to protect democracy. We need to force ALL news stations to stop lying & using propaganda to get votes while putting this country & citizens at risk. Network News must be brought to heel once again. The court must be expanded to represent all Americans....not just the white, male, Evangelical, Billionaires. We NEED a place to get the truth in our news. We NEED to stop allowing politicians to use failed theories (trickle down) in economics, & we have to ensure ALL intel agencies are free of partisan bias, hate, & corruption...by law. Social Security should be codified, Roe should be codified, the tax code MUST be made to make the rich pay 50+% of their taxes & that should be codified, & Billionaires, Lobbyists, Corporations should not be allowed to mix in the White House no matter who is President.

Media Companies should not be owned by partisan hacks that have agendas, or are misused to create hate at opponents. Dems should not have to be smeared & discriminated by any media company. Dems are a group too. No person, family, or company should be allowed to own more than one news media company, either. Those that have much, yet are a small minority should not have any more say than the poorest person in the US. THAT is democracy. Failure to enforce laws to protect individuals targeted by these corrupt media companies should result in punishment, & those engaging in it should be open to lawsuits by individuals being maligned as a result.

It's the only way to really save this country from the fascist thugs who are traitors to the U.S. & aligned with other countries willing to pay them.

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When Epoch Times first came out I started reading it - seemed full of new ideas & enlightening explanations, then gradually I became aware of subtle changes in what it was reporting on....bit by bit I got suspicious of what it was calling 'facts' until one day I gave it up in disgust. That must have been after about a year of reading it. I had not even thought about it for years until it came up suddenly in the news the other day ! I had no idea it was run by the Chinese but not surprised !

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Of course, the same group that accuses the Dems of being involved with the Chinese....are the ones ACTUALLY involved with the Chinese. It's not gas lighting. It's way beyond gas lighting. This is Rat F*cking, which is when you accuse your opponents of what you in fact are guilty of doing &/or planning to do.

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Name the cult behind Epic Times: Falun Gong.

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