FYI I wrote about this a ways back. Back then I came across people working at right-wing "think tanks" who were full-time Wikipedia editors. Information threatening the right-wing corporate perspective they are funded to project was removed.

See: (The links are dead, but the

Watch Out For Wikipedia


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Get a hold of me and I’ll tell you about another corporate crime that nobody cares about.

For example, do you really think ID experts and those other ID protection companies protect your data ? No they don’t

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Yep. I detected this covert censorship/bias against dissenting narratives #NEARLY 15 years ago when I tried to promote #KombuchaTea consumption at #Wikipedia and was immediately shot down for recommending what they said was a “risky” (“potentially dangerous”) drink. “Warning,” they wrote, consult your (priestly) Doctor, before imbibing! Bah, I thought! Like prohibiting grapefruit eating because it’ll have a too strong effect on those taking their “substituting” blood-thinning (anti-clotting) meds.

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